Friday, November 21, 2014


As an 18-year old college student in 2014, technology and the internet are extremely relevant in my life. My laptop is my lifeline for class and entertainment. As I write this essay right now, I have two different documents open on Word, five tabs open on my internet browser, and my online calendar and iTunes minimized. Come midterm week and you will see my computer glued to me. 100% of the homework and projects I do for school is online. Yesterday I was doing some of my online physics homework and couldn't figure out a question. I quickly opened a new tab, copied and pasted the question, and found the solution on yahoo answers. I could have easily just copied the answer and submitted it for full credit, but instead I looked at the process and learned how the answer was found. When I have a random question about anything that popped into my head because something that happened that day, I can google it and find out the answer. This leads me too pages and links to other pages about the topic, which I will often read through. I am pretty sure that if I had a question and didn't have access to google, I would not go to the library and find a book with the answer. It is said that time is money so it shouldn't be wasted. Google offers the opportunity to educate one’s self in minimal time. 

If you look around San Diego State’s campus you are likely to see almost everyone else doing the same as me. Although, I am not guilty of this, you will also likely see students popping Adderal like it’s nothing. 100% of the homework and projects I do for school is online. 

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